Chipmunk Removal

Chipmunks are cute little critters to most people until their yard is infested with them. Chipmunks cause a lot of damage to people’s lawns, landscaping, garden, and areas right next to houses. These little guys love to burrow and dig all-around your lawn, as well as eat your plants. Since most people don’t like their hard work in their yard to go to waste, they want to get rid of chipmunks. Continue reading to find out more about the damage chipmunks cause, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of them.

What problems do chipmunks cause?

They seem so little and innocent, but do not let them fool you. They enjoy nothing more than burrowing and digging around for both shelter and food. They will dig burrows right up next to your home, garage, and any other structure you have on your property. If you let them dig enough, it will start to undermine your foundation’s stability, which is not good at all. In addition to all of the underground damage they cause, they also destroy things above ground.
Chipmunks love to eat young plants, old plants, and everything in between. They will ravage gardens if you let them stay around long enough. If you have a vegetable garden or crops, they will chew through this quickly as well. Your yard will have many holes in it as they scavenge for food and dig little shelters in the ground. It is important to get rid of these little critters before they cause serious harm to your property’s foundation, garden, and yard.

How can I prevent chipmunks?

One of the ways that people sometimes try to prevent chipmunks from coming onto their property is by putting up a fence. This is hard, as chipmunks are excellent climbers of most materials. You have to really brainstorm ways to make a chipmunk-proof fence. One of the more common ways that people try to prevent chipmunks is by sprinkling any kind of hot pepper or intense spice around their lawn and garden. This can get costly, as you will have to do it quite frequently. If you start to notice chipmunks, it is important to take care of them quickly by trapping them.

How do I trap chipmunks?

The best way to humanely trap chipmunks is by using a small cage trap. Cage traps are great for chipmunks, as they are curious animals that can be easily lured into the cage. Once you have caught one, you can take them somewhere else and release them. You will know you have caught them all when you stop seeing fresh holes and plants eaten. It is better to let professional wildlife control experts handle your chipmunk problem though.The best way to humanely trap chipmunks is by using a small cage trap. Cage traps are great for chipmunks, as they are curious animals that can be easily lured into the cage. Once you have caught one, you can take them somewhere else and release them. You will know you have caught them all when you stop seeing fresh holes and plants eaten. It is better to let professional wildlife control experts handle your chipmunk problem though.

Why hire a wildlife control company?

It is important to hire a wildlife control company, as they will be knowledgeable about both the capture of chipmunks and how to fix what they have ruined. If there is any structural damage, they will be able to fix it or recommend how to fix it. There are also legal issues that homeowners need to be aware of before they try trapping chipmunks, and wildlife control companies are legally allowed to take care of these issues. If you live in Maine and have a chipmunk problem, call A&D Construction Plus, and we will be able to help you out.

chipmunk removal
What Damage Do Chipmunks Cause?

Thanks to popular media, most people envision chipmunks as cute, little creatures – just like in “Alvin and the Chipmunks”. But in the real world, chipmunks are not as innocent as they look. 

To be fair, chipmunks aren’t the most destructive nuisance wildlife. For instance, they do not chew on wood as rats, squirrels, or raccoons would. However, they can still wreak havoc that will leave you frustrated. Visit learn about how to get rid of them.

In this article, we explore some of the damages caused by chipmunks. 

  • Structural damage

We’ve made it clear that chipmunks don’t chew wooden structures. However, they are notorious for digging tunnels. Their tunnels can extend 2 to 3 feet in depth and reach 20 to 30 feet in length. 

If their tunnel passes under sidewalks and driveways, they can weaken the underground support. What’s more, tunnels near the foundation, patio, retention walls, and porches can also weaken the support.

How? Burrowing loosens the soil beneath the structure, making it more susceptible to a large influx of water. These factors result in cracks, and with time, the integrity is fully compromised, and the structure may collapse. 

  • Disfigured landscape

To Americans, nice lawns are more than just an aesthetic feature. They are indicative of success – a physical manifestation of the American Dream of homeownership. 

Unfortunately, a chipmunk can dig up tunnels in the lawn, thereby detracting from its aesthetic appeal. Imagine a lawn filled with small holes scattered around. 

One thing to note is that chipmunks do no leave heaps of dirt around the entrance of their holes. This can be used to distinguish their holes from those dug by other animals like skunks, groundhogs, and moles. 

  • Destruction of garden plants

Chipmunks are notorious for the havoc they cause in gardens. First off, gardens provide a great supply of seeds, berries, fruits, and flowers chipmunks love. Chipmunks love to be around flowers because flowers attract insects, which are also a delicacy for chipmunks.

Once they find an adequate food supply in your garden, they dig their holes right there. And when everywhere is quiet, they come out to feast. 

But that’s not all. As chipmunks dig their tunnels in gardens, these holes disrupt the root system of crops.

  • Pollution in the attic

Chipmunks typically live outdoors in tunnels or nests in trees. However, occasionally, chipmunks can reside in attics, particularly if they find it safe and warm. 

A chipmunk in the attic will leave behind droppings and urine, thereby soiling the insulation and contaminating the entire space. Depending on the extent of the damage, the insulation might need to be replaced. 

How to Keep Chipmunks Away

Chipmunks are challenging to deal with because of their complex network of underground tunnels. That’s why it’s prudent to keep them out in the first place. Here’s how you can make your property less attractive to them:

  1. Eliminate food sources: remove seed crumbs from under your bird feeder. 
  2. Ensure your trash cans are sealed at all times. 
  3. Trim away vegetation and trim branches close to your walls and roof area so chipmunks can’t use them as bridges into your house. 
  4. Seal off potential entry holes into your house. 
  5. Install a fence around your property or garden. Since chipmunks are good burrowers, the fence must extend well into the ground to prevent them from digging underneath the fence.
Wrap Up

Chipmunks reproduce quickly. That’s why it’s important to resolve a chipmunk infestation before it gets out of hand. You can always count on the professionals at A&D Construction Plus to help repair the damages caused by these nuisance rodents and keep them at bay for good. 


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