Skunk Removal
Anyone who has ever been up close to a skunk has probably had the same reaction as most people, and that is to run away. Other than their spray, skunks are not very intimidating animals. Their spray is not the only damage they cause though, so it is important to remove these little black and white creatures before they cause too much damage. Continue reading for reasons they need to be removed, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of them.
What damage do skunks cause?
The first and most obvious reason that skunks need to be removed is their ability to spray objects from up to 15 feet away. While the spray is not going to kill someone, it can be harmful to your eyes, and obviously repulsive to your nose. Skunks often try to create dens under decks, porches, and buildings, and if you accidentally surprise one, it will more than likely spray you. Skunks also will spray your dog and can actually be aggressive around pets. This is important, as skunks can carry rabies and a variety of other diseases that can be harmful to you and your pets.
In addition to the spray and disease threat from them, skunks can cause damage to your property. They will dig up your yard and gardens while looking for grubs to eat. They will destroy vegetables and crops, as well as ravaging any chickens or fowl you have. All in all these critters need to be removed before they cause a lot of damage to people, pets, or yards.
How can I prevent skunks?
Skunk prevention is similar to many other critters. It is important to get rid of any easy food sources such as pet food, garbage, and any old fruits that have fallen from trees. Try to get rid of any holes and access points for skunks along the base of your deck or porch. If you really want to keep skunks off of your property, you have the option to put up a fence that keeps skunks out. It can be hard to prevent skunks if you have a large grub population in your yard.Once animals of any kind have been removed from your home, attic, garage, chimney, or wherever else they were, it is vitally important to prevent them from getting back in. A&D Construction Plus will inspect your home to make sure that it is as squirrel-proof as it can get. We also offer consultation and quotes to fix any entry points we see where animals can get in
How can I trap skunks?
Skunks are most commonly removed with cage traps. Cage traps are very easy to buy and are completely safe to use even if you have little children or small pets. These traps are very humane and will not harm skunks at all. The real trick to trapping skunks is getting close to the cage. If you can get near the trap without them seeing you, you can throw an old blanket over it so that the spray can’t reach you. Due to the diseases skunks carry, it is recommended to call a wildlife control service instead of doing it on your own.
Why hire a wildlife control service?
There are some important reasons to consider hiring an wildlife control company. The most important reason is that animal control experts have experience in dealing with the safe and humane removal of skunks. They will know all of your local laws and will have permits to remove them. These professionals can also examine any damage that skunks may have caused and repair it. If you live in Maine and are having problems with skunks, consider giving A&D Construction Plus a call, and we will put our years of experience towards getting rid of your skunks.

How to Get Rid Of Skunks in Your Yard?
Are skunks bothering you and your garden? The sight of a black and white bandit is not at all uncommon, especially if they’re scampering across the lawn in the middle of the night. Understandably, skunks are some of the least desirable invasive animals, thanks to the potent, unpleasant smell they spray on you, if threatened.
What you need to understand about skunks is that they are, in truth, a scaredy species. They’re fairly small creatures, and use their spray to prevent a fight. They also run on a limited supply of the stuff, so they’re unlikely to spray in excess, lest they run out (it can take them several days to recharge, during which time, they’re left unprotected).
So perhaps skunk sprayings are less common than you think, but they’re nevertheless there. So what can you do to get rid of skunks in your yard?
- Hire a wildlife removal agency.
We think it’s best to get this most obvious one out of the way first. Obviously, there aren’t many DIY things you can do that would have the same efficiency as hiring a pro to handle a skunk invasion.
Professional wildlife removal experts are trained in this matter, and know all the best ways to go about removing a skunk, and also protecting your yard from future invasions.
Not only that, but although many people think they’re saving up by trying DIY removal, when you weigh all the time, effort and protective gear that’s needed (aside from the trap or deterrents chosen), the cost ends up pretty much on par.
- Turn on the lights.
Another thing worth keeping in mind about skunks is that they are highly nocturnal creatures, which means they plain just don’t like light. Their eyesight is comparatively weak, and they’re quite likely to avoid areas with bright lighting.
So if you’re dealing with a persistent skunk problem, a good idea might be turning on the porch light at night, as this may serve to keep the critters away. If the porch light doesn’t seem like enough, you might also want to invest in a special light deterrent.
These specialty devices are motion-activated, and emit a bright light when they sense an animal nearby. While this can be effective in deterring skunks from approaching, it might not be a long-term solution, since the animals may learn to avoid the deterrent’s range, eventually.
- Try scaring them off with predator urine.
Yucky as it may sound, predator urine is actually sold in specialty stores precisely with this purpose in mind. By sprinkling the urine of coyotes, bobcats, or foxes around your yard, you give the impression that an actual predator may be nearby. And as we’ve established, skunks aren’t big on confrontation.
While most animals choose to stay away from skunks because they don’t want to get sprayed, skunks aren’t crazy enough to tempt fate and hang around a property that’s frequented by a predator.
- Make your own repellent.
While skunk repellents are available in specialty stores, they tend to be pricey and largely ineffective. As might this one be, but if you’re bent on trying a repellent it’s preferable to go the DIY route.
Put together a mixture of castor oil, dishwashing liquid and water (to dilute it) and spray that around your yard. This may prove somewhat effective, but you’ll have to regularly respray the yard, to maintain potency.
Similarly, you could opt for ammonia, whose strong, pungent scent is also known to ward skunks away. However, as with the spray, you’ll need to replace the ammonia-filled rags regularly, to keep the smell strong.